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Recent legislative changes to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) mean there are new options for how Fortescue Ltd (Fortescue) shareholders receive communications. Fortescue will no longer send physical meeting documents unless a shareholder requests a copy to be mailed.

Electronic communication has the added advantage of being timelier and more cost effective, which benefits all shareholders, and Fortescue encourages all shareholders to record an email address and select “All communications electronically” as the communication preference so we can communicate with you electronically when shareholder notices become available online, for items such as meeting documents, dividend statements and annual reports.

Shareholders can still elect to receive some or all of their communications in physical or electronic form. To review your communication preference, or sign up to receive your shareholder communications via email, please update your details via the Fortescue Investor Centre.

Fortescue Investor Centre

Shareholders can use the Fortescue Investor Centre to:

  • Set up and add their holdings to a portfolio
  • Review and update their contact details, communication preferences and payment instructions via their portfolio
  • Provide their TFN and/or ABN
  • View their holding details
  • Make online enquiries

You will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to verify your identity.

View your shareholding

MUFG Corporate Markets

If you are a Shareholder and require an additional copy of a communication, need further information about the options available to you or have questions about your holding, contact MUFG Corporate Markets:

Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
Phone: +61 1300 733 136 (Toll free within Australia)

MUFG Corporate Markets

Share registry information

Fortescue is a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange under the code FMG with the share register managed by MUFG Corporate Markets. Should you require further information not accessible online, please contact MUFG Corporate Markets directly:

MUFG Corporate Markets
QV1 Building, Level 12
250 St Georges Terrace 
Perth  WA  6000 
Postal Address
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235 
Phone: 1300 733 136 (within Australia)
(Mon-Fri 8.00am - 7.30pm AEST)
Phone: +61 2 9287 0309 (outside Australia)
Email: support@cm.mpms.mufg.com
Website: MUFG Corporate Markets 


American Depositary Receipt Program 

Fortescue has a Level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program, which commenced trading on the OTC QX market in 2012. The conversion ratio under the depositary program is two Fortescue ASX listed ordinary shares to one depository receipt.

The depositary bank for this program is Citigroup. All enquiries relating to ADR holders’ accounts and payment of dividends should be directed to Fortescue’s depositary bank:


Phone: 1-877-248-4237 (toll free)
Phone: 1-781-575-4555 (outside US)
Email: Citibank@shareholders-online.com

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Fortescue Ltd’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) provides shareholders with the option to automatically reinvest some or all their dividends in additional Fortescue shares.

Participation in the DRP is optional and all shareholders with an Australian or New Zealand address on the Fortescue share register are eligible to participate.

Shareholders that do not hold an Australian or New Zealand address may only participate in the DRP at the absolute and unfettered discretion of the Board of Directors.

To request a DRP application or variation form, call 1300 733 136 (within Australia) or +61 2 8280 7603 (outside Australia).

Dividend Reinvestment Plan Information and FAQ's